
The Lasted E-Paper Display

Bitmap Conversion Explanation

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Bitmap Conversion Explanation

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  • Time of issue:2023-01-30 16:15
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1. Why it's necessary to prepare C array for your bitmap?

It's because only a C array generated from the bitmap can be read and processed by MCU and finally displayed on a E-paper Display.


2. Basic Principle

It's how you transfer an image into a C array using some tool.


3. Operating Flow

First, make sure the image color is only monochrome (E-paper display is monochrome), in BMP format and resolution consistent with your E-paper display's.

1) For Solomon tech (SSD) IC, please select monochrome, vertical scan, tggle none of the five options and keep the resolution consistent with your E-paper display.


2) For Ultra-chip IC (UC), please select monochrome, vertical scan, and toggle the option ' scan from right to left' and invert the color.


3) Click save and generate the C array file for your image.

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Time of issue:2020-04-27 00:00:00


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Time of issue:2020-04-27 00:00:00

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