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Cooperating with VET schools and SBB

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  • Time of issue:2020-06-15 15:32
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Cooperating with VET schools and SBB

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  • Time of issue:2020-06-15 15:32
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Do you know what is SBB?

The Dutch Act on Adult and Vocational Education requires VET-students to carry out part of their education or training at accredited work placement companies. Students receive the best possible practical training with prospects of a job, and companies can employ professionals that they need, now and in the future. These are the objectives of the Cooperation Organisation for Vocational Education, Training and the Labour Market (SBB). Within SBB, vocational education and training (VET) and the labour market cooperate at national, sectoral and regional level.

Dutch VET-students are increasingly going abroad for a work placement. According to the Dutch Act on Adult and Vocational Education, they may only attend accredited work placement companies. Therefore, foreign work placement companies must also be accredited. Furthermore, this means that the conditions for accreditation used on Dutch companies also apply to foreign companies who want to become an accredited work placement company. If you want to read more details S-BB

Recently, Dalian Good Display Co., Ltd. is very honored to be an "Accredited work placement company” of SBB, providing internships and job opportunities for students from the Netherlands and other countries in the world. More details

As the only certified company in Dalian, Dalian Good Display Co., Ltd. has successfully placed several interns from the Netherlands and other countries.





In the future, Dalian Good Display Co., Ltd. would like to coach and help more students and interns from all over the world to get practical training. We hope that in this way, not only can we bring more practical opportunities to students and bring more fresh and active ideas to our company, but we can also spread our products, our culture, and Chinese fine traditions throughout the world.






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